Sunday, December 02, 2007

Funny Catholic Joke

I was listening to my favourite radio show this morning (The Naked City on FBi) and Coffin Ed told this very funny joke:

The Pope dies and goes to heaven.
St Peter says, “So, is there anything you wanna see? Anything you missed out on in your life?”
The Pope says, “Yes! I would like to see the original version of the Bible!”
St Peter says, “OK. Come over here then, go in that little room. It’s in there!”
After a while the Pope shouts, “OH, MY GOD!”
St Peter runs in and asks what’s wrong.
The Pope says, “This word, ‘celebrate’! We thought it was ‘celibate’!”

1 comment:

Ca... said...

Cute joke! But it's a good thing you didn't say, 'Muhammad' instead of the Pope! 'chuckle'