Monday, July 22, 2002

Brats Removed, Peace Restored

I'm so happy to report that the horrible little monsters (see below) who have been making my life such a goddam misery lately have been collected by their *owners*. It seems they had been staying with Grandmaw and Grandpaw, and boy did this poor old couple look relieved to be getting rid of the two screaming horrors.
I really felt strong sympathy for this elderly unit, as I noticed the tension visibly melt from their faces as the station wagon drove away. They could finally relax after what must have been an entire week of almost unbearable torment.
It's not so easy for old folks, I guess. When you're young and strong, troublesome kids are easily dealt with by, for example, gagging and binding and leaving in the basement for days (with no food) until they learn their lesson.
Anyway, all I wanted to say was that the dark days are behind me, peace is restored once more and I may return to my quiet introspection and intellectual pursuits.