Sunday, December 18, 2005

Last Day Of Recreation Leave

It's the last day of my Recreation Leave so I go back to work tomorrow. It won't be so bad because Boss has the week off. Although I must admit she hasn't thrown any big fits for a while. She's really not a bad egg when she is not thowing fits. Anyway, as strange as it may sound, I don't even mind going back to work, in fact I am even looking forward to it, in a way. You see, when I don't have to go to work, I don't go out unless it's absolutely necessary. I'll happily spend weeks on end shut up in my small room, (like Ren) going about my intellectual pursuits. That's why it's good that I have a job, because it forces me into contact with other biological units; and as you may know, that can be a fine and healthy thing. It is also good for coming up with stories to write. If one is shut up in a room for days on end reading books and playing videogames and eating chilli sauce on toast, it can get tricky coming up with a story to write (unless, like Terry Goodkind, you have *The Magic*. I don't have *The Magic*, so it's tricky). That's why I don't mind going back to work. I will also get to ride the bus again every day and perhaps my obsession with those reading women will return, or something else equally wonderful. Also, I am looking forward to being reunited with the morning mailbag. If you believe Boss, it is a shameful thing to enjoy sorting the mail, but I don't care! I LOVE sorting the mail! What's wrong with that? Nothing, that's what! Let me sort the mail unmolested, Boss, and you go play with your chihuahuas!


BixBloc said...

"chilli sauce on toast" that another one of your...
"Aussie" delicacies...when you can't think of something to write about, you should give us an authentic "Aussie" recipe...

Stratu said...

Bixbloc, chilli sauce on toast is not an Aussie delicacy, in fact many Aussies don't like chilli sauce at all - a prejudice borne of our English heritage preference for plain, bland food free of any spice whatsoever, aside from good ol' salt 'n' pepper.
But next time I can't think of anything to write about, I'll do the Aussie hamburger recipe.
Thanks for the suggestion!