Sunday, May 22, 2005

Eurovision 2005!

A MAJOR TV highlight for me is the annual Eurovision Song Contest, and tonight, praise the gods, it has come around again. Tonight is Eurovision night!
But is this really Terry Wogan's last Eurovision? *blub*

Ukrainian host Maria Efrosinina's voice (and her ENORMOUS smile). I could happily listen to her loudly struggling with the English language forever.
Norway - glam metal, spandex, feather boas, prancing and posing. Are The Darkness responsible? Are Norway's legions of Black Metal hellhounds concerned about the growing forces of Glam Metal drag queens?
Turkey - concubines writhing on the floor, belly buttons!
Moldova - mad energetic folk/punk, grandmother in rocking chair.
Albania - I Dream of Genie with fiddles. It's love.
F.Y.R. Macedonia - God Almighty, upskirt shots. Awful song instantly forgiven.
Ukraine - the soundtrack to the revolution will be televised.
Germany - oh my God this is the tall raven-haired woman who sat next to me on the bus reading her fantasy book a few weeks ago! Greece - Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena... Helena Paparizou!
Russia - not quite as utterly enchanting as last year's warrior princess Ruslana, but pretty damn close. You can sit next to me on the bus with your book any time, my dear.
Switzerland - more metal! played by models in white outfits! Eurovision Metal Fantasy! *rolls on floor drunk with joy*

And of course it's all over much too soon.

Terry Wogan quote of the night:
"I don't know about you, but I go to find consolation in drink."
-said before interval between performances and voting.

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