Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I Did Not Go To The Cinema

I did not go to the cinema to watch a movie after work today.
How could this be? I always see a movie on Tuesday, even if it is not a very good one. But I did not go today. Has the world turned upside down? Is it not Half Price Tuesday any more? Yes, it still is. So what could possibly be the reason?
Easy now. I will tell you:
The session times for the movie I wanted to see (White Noise) left me nonplussed. 1:00pm then 6:45pm. Do you see the logic here? You don't, because there is none. Has the cinema session times programmer lost his mind? I fear he has. I will have a word with the fellow.
Well. What other movie could I see?
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? If I was somebody who cared for that kind of wacky, whimsical British humour, then yes that would be a good choice.
The Hostage? While it is true that movie violence would be guaranteed, Bruce Willis stars in the movie. Today I was in no mood for Bruce Willis.
Birth? Having so recently seen and been damn near bored to death by The Interpreter, I will require at least another month or two before I see another movie featuring Nicole Kidman, because until that time, with sufficient time having passed for the painful memory to fade, it would probably remind me of The Interpreter.
In Good Company? This movie looks like it will be a good one. Yes I want to see this movie. But the next session was HOURS away. That damn deranged programmer strikes again!
Kingdom of Heaven? Yes! I MUST see this movie! ... Wait. It doesn't open until Thursday. *falls to the floor under a blanket of crushing misery*
War of the Worlds? I am going INSANE with impatience to see this movie (those cruel teasing and tormenting trailers! *wrings hands and grimaces dramatically*), but it doesn't open until June 29.
All the other movies playing that are worth seeing, I have already seen.
So instead I decided take myself home, back to my apartment, my dark and dusty batcave, and finish A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. 807 pages. I finished it. It was excellent. This fantasy stuff! My final fantasy!
My investigation into the world of fantasy novels is off to a promising start indeed!
Tomorrow, immediately after work, I will go with godspeed to the bookstore, and waving my arms theatrically DEMAND they sell me AT ONCE! A Clash of Kings, the second book of this six-volume bookshelf-buckler.
1040 pages.
Bring it, punk.

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