Sunday, May 15, 2005

So What

All I want to write about tonight is how goddam lame and annoying it is when somebody begins a story with "So last night blah blah blah..." or "So the other day I blah blah blah..." or "So I'm in the toilet and blah blah blah..."
When you begin a sentence with the word "so", you are supposed to have already said or wrote a bunch of crap. Beginning a story with the word "so" gives the reader the feeling that they have walked in during the middle of a story, and when the person begins it with "so", you can bet it is a very boring one, SO you can quite confidently walk away from it before you get to the end of that first sentence reasonably sure in the knowledge that you will not have missed anything worthwhile or entertaining.
Is this a trivial matter to concern oneself with?
No, it's not.


Anonymous said...

so what's his problem?

Stratu said...

touche! (fuck, can't put one of those angle things over the e. *knocks hole through adjacent wall with head*)