Friday, June 17, 2005


God, my life has been so CRAZY lately.
Does YOUR life ever get so mad and CRAZY? You know, when your life gets real CRAZY and you just have to admit it to the world? So many CRAZY things are happening, it's like, man, this CRAZY shit! CRAZY, man! Wild and CRAZY, your head is spinning. Gee, my life gets CRAZY sometimes. All these CRAZY things happening at once. Gee, what a wild and CRAZY life.
You know?


BixBloc said...

...OK, Class, the word of the day is "CRAZY"...Please make up a sentence with the word "CRAZY" in it..........Now Class, don't get carried away and go "Crazy"...just one sentence is enough.....Stratu....just one sentence....Stratu!!!....Stratu!!!!!....
Stratu!!!!!!! ...YOU'RE DRIVING ME "CRAZY"!!!!!

Ca... said...

...sounds crazy to me!

Anonymous said...

um yeah i know that feeling all to well. i often live in that state of KRAZEY! ahhhahahha. but hey what fun would it be really without a lil crazyness ? hmmm? :)

Stratu said...

Where did all these people come from? A simple CRAZY post. It's CRAZY.
My CRAZY life.
Your CRAZY life.