Thursday, July 21, 2005

Medical Condition

If you work (or ever have worked) in a crappy job, you will probably relate to this:
Sometimes in a cop movie there will be a scene where the rogue cop (usually a Dirty Harry-type character) gets a lecture from his boss, and the boss at last says something like this, "Look, you got some vacation time coming to you, why don't you take the next few weeks off? Go on a cruise! Go fishin'! Anything! Just go away and come back when you are not so insane!" Well, that is a scene that I have always wished I would be in, in real life. The cop never takes the advice, but I sure would.
Guess what? That scene happened to me today! (Well, sort of. Close enough. As close as I'll probably ever get anyway.)
I was at home playing Baten Kaitos. I was at home because when I called work yesterday to tell Boss I was still sick, she told me to go the doctor and get a certificate proving I was really sick. The doctor of course could plainly see how sick I was so he gave me a certificate (I have a "MEDICAL CONDITION"!) saying I didn't have to go back to work until Friday. Yay! Happy sick boy!
So here I am this afternoon doing battle with Cancerites, Pul-Puks, Stripers and Boss Thunderfish when the phone rings. I pick it up thinking it must be Anders probably just got home from his crappy job to tell me all about his sneaky colleague Bongo. But it isn't Anders, it's my boss! What the hell is she calling me at home for? Is she calling to make sure I will be in on Friday or she will throw an insane fit? No sir. She asks me how I am feeling. Much better I say, I will be in tomorrow for sure. She says well you sure don't sound better, you still sound sick. How about you take tomorrow off as well and just come on back Monday? You got plenty of sick days left, you ain't gonna run out.
I am speechless for a moment, wondering if it could be some kind of trick. Maybe I am asleep, dreaming. But no, it's no trick, and I'm awake, not dreaming at all.
I say to her yes, well maybe that would be a good idea, Boss. Maybe you are right!
So tomorrow I get to sleep in again!
Only went to work one day this week!
Hurrah! for sickness and rogue cop movie scenes that happen in real life!


Anonymous said...

perhaps it was The Magic. dehumanizer

Anonymous said...

hmm you lucky must be "THE MAGIC" ...why cant i sleep in pouting now.. guess ill go read some more and be aggitated.