Monday, July 04, 2005

This Mutinous Body

Well that's just fantastic. I'm sick again. Was on the edge of sickness yesterday. Now fair and square and firmly planted right in the middle of sickville.
How did it happen? How did those bugs get inside my body? Flying through the air? Jumped aboard my hand when I touched something? What the hell is my immune system doing anyway? Slacking off on the job. Missing in action. Traitor!
I have a half day tomorrow and by gum I had better be feeling 100% because when I split that House of Pain at midday the plan is to go directly to the movie palace and see War of the Worlds.
If I'm still sick tomorrow God help me I'm gonna give this goddam MUTINOUS body of mine one HELL of a kicking!
*rushes off to polish enormous black steel-capped self-kicking boots*

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