Friday, July 01, 2005

Winter Snapshot

I managed to get an early night last night. Went to bed at 9:45. Haven't gone to bed that early in YEARS. Still woke up groggy. Can't figure it out. The mysteries of life.
Went to work today and on the way I bought an apple and toffee muffin. Yes, Apple & Toffee. A new thing. A major discovery. It was sensational. I will get another one as soon as possible, which will be tomorrow morning.
Boss has not been psychotic lately, her rage has subsided. But for how long? It's like watching the news every day, waiting for the next natural disaster somewhere in the world. An earthquake, tidal wave or tsunami, flood or cyclone, tornado, hurricane, or volcano. If not today, then a greater chance of it happening tomorrow.
Winter here, it's almost dark when I leave work. Walking to the bus stop it's harder to see people. It has been raining a lot lately and heads are obscured by umbrellas. The wind blows strongly and I laugh out loud to see people struggle with their umbrellas as they turn inside-out. Then mine turns inside-out and my laughter turns into shouts of furious profanity. People turn to look at the swearing man abusing and berating his umbrella.
How easily the tables are turned!


Ca... said...

You better be careful. Check this newspaper article out.

"Dallas Globe: AP...Monday, June 27: This morning at 9:00 a black dome umbrella filed suit in Dallas Superior court against Rodney Colman. The umbrella alleged that on June 1st, Coleman physically abused it during a severe rain storm which was accompanied by a howling wind.

The umbrella stated it had inadvertently turned inside out due to the howling wind and Coleman reacted viciously, damaging it's frame so it can no longer spread out as it should.

The umbrella asks for $7.36 damages for repairs.

Coleman could not be reached for comment."

Stratu said...

I am on Rodney's side, yet the black dome umbrella also has a point. The howling wind is the real culprit, but a man cannot break the wind.
A man can break wind, but not THE wind.

Ca... said...

'aaahhhh... very poignant observation...