Sunday, December 11, 2005

Stratu Comics Update

Like I mentioned last night, when I checked my mailbox yesterday there was a package from Simon James, my Tasmanian comics friend. A couple of months ago he wrote that he liked my blog stories and wanted to make comics out of them. It's impossible to describe how totally buzzed I was by this news, so I'll only say that it made me so happy I did a lot of jumping up and down, along with some big air guitar moves.
Anyway, in this package I got yesterday there were nine pages of the comics version of the Professional Glo-stix Salesmen story I wrote back on 6 February. I'll try to get a page or two scanned this week so I can put it up here. It's pretty cool (to understate it somewhat). But this is still an early stage because, get this, Mr James believes that this project will blow out to around 200 pages. In short, graphic novel length.
Along with the glo-stix story, Simon is also planning to make the following stories/fragments/bloggy bits into comics: Mercy Hug; I Saw Her Again Today; 500,000 Kilograms; In The Office, In The Woods; Silver Cars; Dirty Look; Night Walk; Are You Having Fun; Night Piss; Army Barracks; A Song; Riding The Bus; Bloodshot; Operation; Women Reading On The Bus; Bus Trip With Giant Woman; and Woman Reading At Bus Stop.
This covers the Feb-April 2005 period. It is provisionally titled 'Women Reading On The Bus' and will be an A6-size (14.5 x 10.5 cm = 7.5 x 5 inches) clothbound book and will be finished around February 2006.
Is this all really going to happen? I dare not believe it! But who knows what could happen? Why could it not happen? Why not something so cool happen to me?
God Bless you, Simon James, and please don't let this be only a dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Woman reading on the bus', singular, not the plural, seems like like a better title to me. Sounds like the name of a painting. Got a bit of an alienated feel about it.
