Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Confidence, A Dumb Movie I Saw Tonight

Tonight I watched Confidence, a movie about some con men. Dustin Hoffman was in it, he played a crime boss, a very strange guy who has ADHD and is liable to get violent at the drop of a hat. Paul Giamatti played one of the con men. He is one hell of an actor, and a likeable guy too. Those two were enjoyable to watch, aside from that the movie was a bore. The music was terrible and it farted loudly over all the dialogue, or more accurately, it FUNKED loudly all over the dialogue, because it was some kind of annoying FUNK music. Who chose that person to write the music? An idiot. Do not hire him again! And these con men, they are very greedy people, they want things the easy way, and they love money so much they rub their dicks on it until the sun comes up, and they believe they are so smart and can fool people, and out-think people to trick them into doing things in order to help them get a big bag of money. This kind of stuff is not very interesting to watch. They tried to make the movie look good, and very stylish, and had some clever dialogue, but you know, this kind of *clever dialogue* can be written by anybody. It's not much. You could walk outside your house, close your eyes, throw a rock in any direction and you would probably hit one. You would hit somebody who could write this kind of clever, forgettable dialogue. Writing copy for tampon ads demands greater skill, and is worthy of more respect, the way I see it.

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